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Saying thank you.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Today, we joyously accept and give thanks that the desires of our hearts are fulfilled!


Anonymous said...

Yes! I do joyously accept and give thanks that the desires of my heart are fulfilled. It IS done. And cannot be undone!

We are all going to be so cool driving around town in our right and perfect awesome new cars! That too IS done.

As my sister likes to say: "Yes to even this!"

Anonymous said...

Yes, Yes and Yes to all of us driving those fantabulous Automobiles. Maybe we should have our very own dream drive in our dream cars? Thank you for that right and perfect automobile for each and every one of us. I personally see myself driving up to my dream house in my dream car right now.

Cindy H said...

Yes! I joyously accept the right and perfect vehicles for each of us! We will definitely have to do a road rally!!

It is done!

Anonymous said...

late as usual i brought no dessert, but i do agree and affirm and feel soooo grateful to have the van problems fixed....

Anonymous said...

Yes, I accept my perfect transportation now. Thank you God!

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