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Saying thanks!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Accepting and saying thanks that our travel arrangements are in progress.


Anonymous said...

I accept whole heartedly the abiltiy to travel when I want to, where I want to and how I want to. THank you to the universe for the ability to create my reality.

Cindy H said...

I thank the goddesses and gods for providing me with the time, money and energy to travel when and where I choose! I can hardly wait! I need to start applying for my passport!! Thank you for making this dream a reality!

Anonymous said...

I totally accept. And while I don't look forward to the passport/visa experience... I do look forward to seeing new things and being in new places.

Here's something interesting: Last night a bathing suit - in my size - fell into my lap. How cool is that? I haven't had a bathing suit for about 8+ years. It looks like I really am going to the beach!

Cool huh?

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