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Saying YES to our right jobs

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Today we are accepting and being grateful that what we have visioned for ourselves is ours for the taking.


Cindy H said...

Today I gratefully and excitedly thank the Universe, the Goddesses and Gods for bringing the right, perfect and prosperous job to me clearly and effortlessly!! I accept this job that brings me peace, happiness, contentment, satisfaction and prosperity!

Anonymous said...

thank you, thank you, thank you. I accept. I agree. I open every door. I am ready. I say yes without reservation or fear. Bring it on!

Anonymous said...

Divine Source, I am open and receptive to your love and blessings right now! I am receptive to your abundance and protection. I am ready and willing to receive my greatest good easily and gracefully! Thank you God!

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