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Blog/E-Mail/Facebook Addiction

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Information addiction can be a huge drain to your energy. I love using blogs, e-mail and social networking sites to get the latest news and keep in touch. But that love can quickly turn into an obsession if you aren’t careful. Soon you’re like the rat frantically pushing the lever for more cocaine doses as you hit Stumble one… more… time…

My solution was to designate a time for information inflow and keep it restricted to that time. Once per day is all I allow myself to read new RSS feeds, incoming e-mail and Facebook. For other stats and random surfing I limit myself to once per week. The result is more energy and almost no impact on communication.


Shirley Twofeathers said...

Guilty as charged! Blogaholic, that I am with a large case of internetitis, wow... what to do... maybe I'll google it???

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