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Pleasing People

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Don’t waste your time trying to please the people around you. This isn’t an excuse to be an inconsiderate jerk, but put a high value on your time. Learn to say no to people who don’t show respect for your time. Helping other people is great, but it’s better to focus on serving the greatest good than simply appealing to the whims of your friends and family.

Don’t waste your energies trying to fit others expectations. Set your own dreams, standards and ambitions and make them your highest priority. When you’re nearing your end you’ll likely regret more the sacrifices you made to your individuality than how pleased your parents were of you.


Shirley Twofeathers said...

This one is a hard one I think, and it's something that I found to be very true for me as I worked the project this time around. I had no idea how often I sacrificed my own personal comfort in order to please others. As a matter of fact, it was a complete surprise to me what a "people pleaser" I actually am.

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