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Abundance Meditation

Saturday, July 26, 2008

NOTE: I should be able to record this and convert it to an MP3 and offer it here as an audio file. That was my intention. I have instructions, I think I have the necessary tools and software, however, I cannot make my microphone work. I don't know if it's a microphone problem, or a sound card problem, or something I'm doing wrong... so... I'm really sorry. Maybe by the time this gets posted, I will have discovered the solution. If not, we'll have to make do by reading this into a cassette player and recording it for play back that way.


Sit in a comfortable position. Be aware of your feet or your buttocks touching the ground. Feel the strength and suppleness of your spinal column and begin to gently breathe in and breathe out.

Allow your breath to flow freely, smoothing out and relaxing your entire being. If you feel any tension or resistance, breathe into that place and gently invite release. You may voice a long "aah" on the exhalation to assist with the release.

As you release the breath, remain aware of all the places in your body where you are holding on, trying to maintain control out of scarcity. Gently release your energy into the ever-present current of life.

You are plugging in to a circulating electric current that fills you and enlivens you. With every breath, feel yourself more deeply in the current. You can now feel yourself being supported by the earth, as if your entire being is rooted and is receiving nourishment. As the breath drops you down deeper and deeper into the earth, allow your body to be breathed by the rhythm of the inhale and exhale. Every breath now synchronizes with the rhythm of life itself.

Your breath connects you with the flow of the tides and the seas and the movement of the stars. Your rhythm is the rhythm of life- the changing seasons, the progression from dawn to dark to dawn again. The current is ever present and it fills you, energizes you, permeates your entire being. You feel the flow of the unlimited life force, the energy that is ever available as you let go and align yourself with its beauty, its power, its presence.

Feel your being harmonized in this moment. Allow the fullness of existence to enter you and work through you. Feel free, open, and easy in this flow of ever-abundant energy. From this state affirm to yourself: "This abundance, this flow, is the natural energy of being itself, and I am ever supported by this flow of energy."

Breathing in and out, lightly and easily letting yourself expand to receive the fullness of the life force, allow an image of abundance to arise from deep within and enter your consciousness.

Do not force it. Just ask and it will form within - an image, literal or abstract - a gift from your inner wisdom that shows you a form of abundance. The image need not be understood. Just allow it to form and then hold it in mind, feeling it energizing you.

And as you breathe in and out, slowly return and integrate within your physical form, keeping the image alive, knowing that you can return to it at any time to remember the reality of the life force. The image of abundance affirms regenerative trust from deep within.

~Rick Jarrow


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