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Traversing The Circle

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Do creative visualization with a black circle about six to eight inches in diameter drawn on a white background. Imagine a path or a road in the circle that goes over a hill or around a bend and out of sight. Enter the circle with your awareness and follow the path or road, looking for something (without defining what).

You may or may not find yourself in a body, you may or may not feel like continuing the exercise with your eyes closed. You also may or may not find anything in a given time period, but you usually do. Just go along with whatever happens.

This visualization helps to open and strengthen your creative imagination, and provides lots of good insights.

~Serge Kahili King


Shirley Twofeathers said...

I'm definitely doing this one today. For some reason, I am having a heck of a time pinpointing something "big" to visualize in my life.

So far, everything I have visualized on a smaller scale has come through for me and for others. The big things are so much harder, I find myself equivocating and being ambivalent... not only when trying to come up with something for myself, but also when trying to come up with something big for others.

It's like I'm afraid to commit unless "think" I know all the ramifications...

Anonymous said...

So I did the circle meditation. It was really interesting.... I was walking along, and then I saw a flower - which I picked because it was pretty. Then I saw a rock, and I picked that up. Pretty soon I had found all sorts of interesting things. Next thing you know I'm loaded down with all this cool stuff - and I just keep finding more and more and more. The stuff I'm carrying is getting heavier and harder to carry until I reach a point where I'm not sure if I can lug it much further. Then I see a dumpster up ahead. Well... I did think about dumping all my cool stuff. But I couldn't do it. So I staggered on. Then I came to a post office and I tried to send it to my self at "home" but I couldn't afford the postage. I wondered what I was going to do, and so I just kept on going until finally I couldn't take another step. I stopped right there and built a really cool house out of my really cool stuff, and I just stayed there by the side of the road. Every now and then someone would come by... free and unencumbered... then I'd see them pick a flower and keep it, and pick up a rock and keep it... I tried to warn them, but they didn't listen to me.

Finally I decided it was time to move on. So, I left my cool house made out of the cool stuff and headed off all free and easy. Next thing you know I find a flower. I almost picked it, but then I remembered that I had been there, done that. Then I saw a really pretty crystal. Well. I can't resist this one and so I picked it up. And then I didn't want to put it down. So I sat down instead. I sat down by the side of the road and just loved that crystal. And as I was loving it, it turned into a living creature. He climbed up on my shoulder and we continued on our way. Sometimes, he'd want to pick something up and take it along, but I didn't allow it.

Then the meditation just sort of faded out and I never could get properly back into it to see how it would all "end". Interesting, huh?

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