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Keeping Details In Your Head

Monday, June 08, 2009

Keeping details in your head instead of in a system can be a real energy drain.

Your brain, like a computer, only has so much RAM (random access memory). And RAM is mental energy. When you rely on yourself to remember your shopping list, your to-do list and your dentist appointment, it eats away at mental energy you could be using elsewhere to create a greater impact in your life.

It's not that all those tasks aren't important, but what if you had the mental energy to complete that major report, write your book or create a more powerful business strategy?

Think of each item you need to remember as an energy unit. How many energy units do you spend keeping details in your head? Find (or create) and begin using a system to track and remember things for you. Use it daily, and you'll free up more mental energy to accomplish higher leverage projects and tasks.


Shirley Twofeathers said...

This one doesn't resonate much with me - if I write something on a list it's a sure bet that I will now completely forget about it.

As a matter of fact, when I try to organize myself in the way she's talking about - it takes more time and results in less enthusiasm.

I figure that if I can't keep it in my head, I'm probably not too excited about it - and shouldn't be (or won't be) doing it anyway.

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