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Tuesday, June 02, 2009


Resistance is making an excuse as to why you can’t possibly take 10 minutes out of your day and do one thing! RESISTANCE is the BIGGEST ENERGY DRAIN OF ALL! IT IS THE ROOT CAUSE, THE MOTHER OF ALL ENERGY DRAINS.

So, consider this: If you don’t have any energy, maybe you have let your resistance rule – maybe you are giving it space, air, and and maybe you are feeding it with a long list of heavy problems you do not want to address.

When you play hide and seek with your problems, you become unable to move – you are a prisoner – you gave all the power to your problem and now you are STUCK!

What you resist persists.

Today, let's take a little bit of time to find just one small area of resistance and let it go. If you want to be ambitious, and takle something big - go for it - but if the thought of NOT resisting makes you even more tired than the resistance itself, it might be a better idea to go for something small.


Shirley Twofeathers said...

I love this little girl. In fact, I think I know her! She looks exactly like the little girl that lives inside of me and flat out refuses to be anyone but herself!

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