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Squeaky Hinges

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Plumber with chubby cheeks

A squeaky hinge is any piece of technology that works, but has irritating side-effects. This could mean a computer that is too slow to run the programs you need. A dishwasher that doesn’t get all the food off. Or an alarm clock that isn’t loud enough.

If the solution to a squeaky hinge is cheap, fix it immediately. The costs will soon outweigh any replacement expenses. If the solution is expensive, write down the total cost and keep track of any wasted time/money due to the problem. Keep track of squeaks will make you aware of what the total cost is, and whether a replacement is warranted.


Shirley Twofeathers said...

This one is really good! And I think I'm going to start a "squeaky hinge" fund right now today. Maybe I can get a vacuum cleaner... and oh gosh! all the other little things that I just sort of live with and could probably actually afford to do something about...

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