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To feed your right mind

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Douse the lights, douse even the candle
Speak to her gently; she's been shunned
so long, she runs away.
Suggest, don't expect

Let being fill up the space
of doing
So that what you're doing
is being.

Let the message emerge
from the sea of understanding
like a mermaid singing her seduction,
Think fishes, flying through dark waters,
Think night, moonlit seas, and
no moonlight at all.

Think water. Think depths, dampness.
Think subtle. Think subtler.
Think feelings.

Your wis-dame, your wisdom,
is an archivist. She knows what happened.
Just ask.

She isn't afraid, she's been here before.
Another kind of clarity, silvery, not stark, emerges.
Your wis-dame is your oldest ally,
your mother-wit.

Without her you are less than half yourself
with her you are whole and ready.
Like a dolphin she is beside you
when you are goalless
and seeking only to satisfy your higher yearning.

Be attracted, addicted to life
and life's deeper demands.
Love, don't curse, the blind alleys
the red lights and lost luggage.

Without guessing there's no game.
Not "no pain no gain"
but "no love no gain"

You mother-wit
your wise dame

The sage speaks in patterns and pictures,
a scatter tongue. Catch as you can
her butterfly dust

But if you treasure her treasure
be loyal,
For eons she has been wooed in the dark
and spurned in the sun.
If she was with you then
She's with you now.

and then, of course,

~Marilyn Ferguson

Mer Angel by Josephine Wall


Garvald said...

Cool poem!

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