Today we begin a 30 day project to change our thinking. The idea being, that if you can change your thinking, you will change your life. The idea or concept that you attract what you think about is not something new. Napolean Hill wrote the classic "Think and Grow Rich" back in the early 1900's, and it wasn't new then.
We've done a few projects here - The Million Dollar Experiment, the 30 day Mastermind, and Creative Visualization - we have used visualizations and affirmations quite often in many of our projects. But we haven't taken a look at the tapes that run continually in the back of our minds, those subconscious belief systems that act as silent sabateurs.
It is my belief that we are surrounded by a field of all possibilities, everything is possible. What we see and what we experience, how we perceive the world is the result of our internal filters. I'm sure you've all heard the little story about the glass of water - how one person sees it has half empty, and another person sees it as half full... and to someone dying of thirst in the desert - it can be seen as an astonishing miracle that gives life... alternatively, you can drown in a teaspoon of water... that half empty glass could water a plant... wash off a cut... or ruin a book...
If I have it in my mind that water is an elixir of life - that it has magical properties - I would be right. If I have it in my mind that water is common and ordinary and nothing to write home about - I would still be right. There was a time when people believed that bathing would make you ill. People bathed when they were born, got married, and once again when they died. If I had that belief system now - well - I might wonder why I didn't have any friends! Alternatively, there are people who get stuck in a loop of constant hand washing and bathing... they can't get clean enough...
So what's my point? My point is, that the water itself has not changed - it's the perception of the water that creates the differing experiences with it. The same holds true for our perceptions of money, employment, abundance, prosperity, receiving, and giving. Just like in the image below, our experience changes with our perspective.

What I'd like to do for the next 30 days is to explore our hidden ideas about money and and how we get it - so that we can discover and recreate our experience.
I've organized the project so that it's really really simple to do. Every day I'll be posting an incomplete sentence. What I want you to do is to finish that sentence with the very first word (or words) that pop into your mind. No editing!
Now, take look at how you finished the sentence. Is it really true? Do you want it to be true? Take some time to rewrite the sentence. It's important that the sentence be rewritten in such a way that it really resonates, it needs to be something that you really do believe, it has to be true for you.
Once you've created an alternative sentence, begin to incorporate it into your life. Whenever that particular subject comes up, gently substitute your new idea.
Here's an example:Money is _____________.
What was the first thing that popped into your mind when you looked at that sentence? The first thing that popped into my mind the first time I did this was "
Money is hard to get." Whoa! No wonder I have such a hard time getting money!!
So, I thought about it for a while and what I came up with was this: "
Money is fun to get!" Yes, that's absolutely true. It's fun to get money! Now, whenever the word "
money" comes up in conversation, or in my mind, I make it a point to remember that "
Money is fun to get!"
When I popped this question to a friend of mine, his answer was: "
Money is power!" Is that really true? I wonder... Does that mean that if you don't have money you are powerless? If money is power, and your employer gives you money, does that mean that your employer empowers you? does that mean that when you pay your electric bill you are releasing your power? Lots to think about there!
I also threw this question out at work, and my employer said: "
Money is easy." Hey! I like that one.
So, here we go with our first question:My money is __________ !